Saturday, November 3, 2007

"Moonlight spills on comic books . . ."

For my fan boys out there, I posit this query:

The Silver Surfer vs. Superman

1. The Silver Surfer, obviously, is endowed with the full breadth of the Power Cosmic.
2. Superman, indubitably, is under a yellow sun system.

1. The Silver Surfer is still trapped within the Earth's environs per Galactus' decree.
2. Superman has, at his disposal, Mjolnir (Thor's magical hammer for the uninitiated) and Capt. America's indestructible shield.

My pick:
Silver Surfer. Assuming it is not the Pre-Crisis, Silver Age Superman who could juggle planets and reignite dead suns with his heat vision, even a fraction of the Power Cosmic would decimate the Man of Steel. Also, even without his cosmic abilities, the Silver Surfer still has comparable power levels with Superman -- i.e. strength, speed, durability, etc.

You speak the truth, you say, but how about Mjolnir and Capt.'s shield? My answer: sadly, Clark relies too much on his brawn and superabilities and, therefore, lacks the requisite warrior/combat skills to adequately utilize, let alone master, those two devastating weapons. Your mileage my vary on this, my fellow fan boy . . .

However, it would be a Pyrrhic victory for good ol' Norrin as a battle of this magnitude would surely lay waste to at least half the planet.

Anyhoo, SHAZAM!!! my fellow fan boys . . . catch you on the other side of the Rock of Eternity.

Bats would kick anyone's ass, if you ask me. He'd find a way to siphon off the Power Cosmic and, using Mjolnir and Capt.'s shield, have the Silver Surfer tasting dirt inside five minutes.

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